Sunday, March 30, 2014

I don't want to seem crude or chauvinistic, but as the end credits began on American Hustle, I leaned over to my girlfriend and whispered "Amy Adams side-boobs deserved an Oscar nomination for that performance". They were on display through-out, and I couldn't help but continue to help how her wardrobe worked. I have been informed that lots of tape and glue were probably involved. Well, besides for that, the movie itself was a lot of fun. It's an all-star packed heist story with a very Scorsese kinda' vibe to it, and it's jam packed with a ton of great music. Any movie featuring Jennifer Lawrence belting out a rendition of Live and Let Die has to be pretty good right? It didn't win an Oscar for any ten of its nominations, but I think it's yet another of the highly praised movies of 2013 that is deserving of its accolades. American Hustle screens at the Mayfair tonight, and until Thursday April 3rd.

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