Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Like many a geek, I fell in love with Felicia Day after her excellent work in Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog. She has her own online phenomena in the form of her video game themed web-series, The Guild. A series which in fact Joss Whedon credits as inspiration for his diving inot the self-financed web-series entertainment world. Finally got around to watching the first season, and even though I have little to no interest in the world of MMORPG video games, the series completely won me over. So, I am very late to the geeky-Felicia-appreciation bandwagon, but if you haven't seen The Guild, do be sure to check it out. I especially appreciate that it's possible in this day and age for a creative person like Felicia Day to be able to tell her stories and find some viewer-ship without the need of television studios or industry fat-cats. For every Felicia Day type success story, we can hope that maybe there's one less Two and a Half Men sitcom produced. Dare to dream.

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