Monday, September 09, 2013

Inspired by the movie The Big Year, my girlfriend and I have been doing a lazy big year bird watching quest throughout 2013. When undertaking a real Big Year, you put your life on hold and travel endlessly and track birds all over North America. For the lazy version, you keep track of birds that you see in day to day life. You even get to include chickens that you see when driving by a farm or penguins that you see at an aquarium. I'm not sure what number we've cheated our way up to now, I'm sure it's not even close to competitive levels, but I think we might be closing in on triple digits. Added to our list is this long tailed Thrasher which we've seen all over Atlanta the past few days. Pleas refrain from attacking me with your jealously that you haven't seen as close to as many awesome birds as I have.

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