Scott Pilgrim vs the World may well go down in history as the best film of 2010 that everyone loved yet tanked at the box office. I haven't heard a single bad review or comment on this thing, and yet it didn't even come near to making half of it's estimated 100 million dollar budget back. But, not being profitable does no mean not good. Look at Fight Club, look at Psycho, look at Fantasia...and let us not forget Hudson Hawk!
Now I cannot tell a lie, I didn't get a chance to see the movie yet either. Two reasons: I kindah hate multiplexes, and I knew that we'd get it for sure at the Mayfair. I'm very excited to finally get the chance to see it, especially since I've been told by a couple of different friends that it's like the powers that be sat down and figured out how to make the perfect movie that I would love. It's comic book themed, filled with crazy video game violence, populated with geek girl characters, has Michael Cera in the lead, and is directed by the guy who did Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.
Wednesday October 27th & Thursday the 28th at 9:15 at the Mayfair, a special Lost Marbles Geek Night presentation of the greatest geek film of the year.
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