Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last week my film-making friends and I multitasked the shooting of a Boxcar Cadavers music video which will also serve as my entry into this years Killer63 festival. It involves rock and roll, kidnapping, and a nice girl locked in the trunk of a car. Even though it happened in the 11th hour, and well past my own set deadline, I'm very glad that we got to shoot the thing. It's a project that I've had on the brain for years, actually originally intended for another band that one of the Boxcar guys used to be in by the name of Crankenstein.

The shoot went well, and it's in the midst of being edited. Hopefully we'll have it all done by tomorrow...a whole three or so days before the actual festival screening. Such last minute stressy hectic deadline crunching feats are normal in such things. Every year I intend to get all this organized like a month in advance...never quite works out though. Maybe next year!

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